አማራ፣ ኦሮሚያ፦ መንግሥት በተስፋፋ ሁኔታ የሚፈጸም የሰዎች እገታን ሊያስቆምና ተጠያቂነትንም ሊያረጋግጥ ይገባል. – ኢሰመኮ

በኢትዮጵያ በተለያዩ አካባቢዎች አሳሳቢ ሆኖ የቀጠለውን የእገታ ተግባር ዘላቂ በሆነ Read more

Addis Abeba

News: Ethiopian Bondholders and Debt Distribution Unveiled by Debt Justice

Debt Justice has recently identified Capital Group, BlackRock, and Franklin Read more

Abiy Ahmed

ETHIOPIA: The collapse of Abiy Ahmed’s third offensive and the atrocities committed by his army

  Dr. Mengistu Musie. August 19, 2024 Read more

The International Monetary Fund

IMF Sets Critical Deadlines and Preconditions for Ethiopia’s Access to Extended Credit Facility Funds

By:Addis Insight August 16, 2024 The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Read more

የዓለም አቀፉ የገንዘብ ድርጅትን (የIMFን) ጎጂ ቅድመ ሁኔታዎች ኢትዮጵያ መቀበልዋ የህዝባችንን ኑሮ እጅጉን ይጎዳል

ከኢትዮጵያ ሕዝባዊ አብዮታዊ ፓርቲ (ኢሕአፓ) በወቅታዊ ጉዳይ ላይ የተሰጠ መግለጫ Read more

The Flag

The Rise of Amara FANO: Preventing the Existential Threats and Advocating for Fundamental Changes

Dr. Mengistu Musie July 29, 2024 In recent years, Read more

Is Ethiopia a Failed State or Not?

Aklog Birara (DR) In his highly acclaimed book Failed-States-Assault–The Abuse Read more

ኢትዮጵያ – – ጎሰኛና ዘራፊ ስርዓት ፋሽዝምና ሌባ ያመርታል!

ጎሰኛና ዘራፊ ስርዓት ፋሽዝምና ሌባ ያመርታል! ከኮሶ ዛፍ ላይ ኮሶ Read more

From Nobel peace prize to civil war: how Ethiopia’s leader beguiled the world

When Abiy Ahmed took power in Ethiopia, he was feted Read more

Op-Ed: Abiy Ahmed Ali is Ethiopia’s “Pol Pot”—International Sanction is Justified By Aklog Birara (Dr)

 Aklog Birara12 hours ago  Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed, his army Read more

The Need for a Transitional Government in Ethiopia

Mengistu Musie (PhD) June 17, 2024 Ethiopia stands at Read more

Daniel Abebe, New dean at Columbia Law brings free expression experience

BY JULIANNE HILL JUNE 17, 2024, 2:54 PM CDT Daniel Abebe, Read more

የኢትዮጵያውያን ማሕበር በሆላንድ

ከኢትዮጵያውያን ማሕበር በሆላንድ ጊዜያዊ አመራር የተሰጠ መግለጫ

የኢካን ዓላማ በኔዘርላንድ የሚኖረውን ትውልደ ኢትዮጵያውያንን እና ኢትዮጵያውያንን ኮምዩኒቲይ የማሰባሰብ Read more

ፋሽስቱ ብልጽግና፤ ከእሳቱ ለመውጣት እሾኽ መጨበጥ ትርፉ መጋጋጥ!

       የትግል ግንባር በማስፋት የሚዛባ ኃይል፤ የሚቀር ድል የለም!                    Read more


ከአማራ ሕዝባዊ ማሕበራት ፎረም የተሰጠ  አስቸኳይ መግለጫ

ሕገ መንገስቱ ሕገ አራዊት ካልሆነ ሕግ ይከበር ! አንድ የሆነን Read more

Dr Aklog Birara

Urging the International Court of justice (ICJ) to Act on Ethiopia Now

Aklog Birara (Dr) I have been trying to draw international Read more


አቶ ዛዲግ አብርሃ ከተወረወረባቸው ቦንብ ለጥቂት መትረፋቸው ተሰማ!

የአፍሪካ አመራር ልህቀት አካዳሚ ፕረዝዳንት አቶ ዛዲግ አብርሃ እና ሌሎች Read more

ከኢትዮጵያ  ሕዝባዊ አብዮታዊ ፓርቲ (ኢሕአፓ) የተሰጠ መግለጫ

አገራዊ ምክክር ውጤታማ የሚሆነው አካታች ሲሆንና ሂደቱም ነፃና ዴሞክራሲያዊ ሆኖ Read more

Save Ethiopia Forum

የሽግግር መንግስት ማቛቛም ሂደት፣

በኢትዮጵያ ሊከሰቱ የሚችሉትን ቢሆኖች ካየን በኋላ አካታችና ዲሞክራሲያዊ የሆነ ስርዓት Read more

በከባድ ፈተና ውስጥ እያለፈች ትገኛለች፡ አቡነ ማቲያስ

የፎቶው ባለመብት,EOTC TV 29 ግንቦት 2024, 12:42 EAT የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ Read more

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ቁምነገር እንደቀልድ

ጦቢያ ግጥምን በጃዝ #98-11 -ተስፋሁን ከበደ- ''ግድግዳውን አፍርሰን ድልድይ እንስራለን'' አሉ .. - Tesfahun kebede [Arts TV World]
የኛ ሰፈር ሰው አዲስ ነገርና ለውጥ ሲያይ ይፈራል - ተስፋሁን ከበደ - ፍራሽ አዳሽ - 4 - ጦቢያ ግጥምን በጃዝ #101-06 [Arts TV World]
“ፍራሽ አዳሽ” በተስፋሁን ከበደ - ክፍል 5 [አስቂኝ ኮሜዲ የፖለቲካ አሽሙር] | Ethiopia
ውሃ ውስጥ ሆኖ የሚያልበው አሳ - ተስፋሁን ከበደ - ፍራሽ አዳሽ - ጦቢያ ግጥምን በጃዝ #101-25 [Arts TV World]
ጦቢያ ግጥምን በጃዝ #93-07 | ሰላማዊት ደስታ - አጭበርባሪ ሁላ ሰዉ ለመሆን በርቱ....ቱ..
ጦቢያ ግጥምን በጃዝ #88-11 ህሊና ደሳለኝ ለሁሉም ኢትዮጵያዊ የተላለፈ መልዕክት
ፍራሽህን በትን ለፀሐይ አጋልጠው - ፍራሽ አዳሽ - 3 - ተስፋሁን ከበደ -ጦቢያ ግጥምን በጃዝ #100-07 [Arts TV World]
ጦቢያ ግጥምን በጃዝ #96-19 ኤፍሬም መኮንን እና ተስፋሁን ከበደ- ልዩ አዝናኝ የመድረክ ትርዒት


"ምኒልክ በምን አንጀታቸው የሴት ጡት ቆረጡ!?” | መምህር ዘመዱ ደምስስ | Ethiopia
"የአማራ ህዝብ እንደ ጨቋኝ ሆኖ የተሳለው ትርክትን የማንቀበለው ለፖለቲካ ትርፍ ብለን አይደለም፤ በተጨባጭ ትርክቱ የተሳሳተ ስለሆነ ነው።"

ምርጥ ዘፈኖች – Best Songs Of The Day

Ethiopian Music : Zebiba Girma (Gerager) ዘቢባ ግርማ (ገራገር) - New Ethiopian Music 2019(Official Video)
Ethiopian Music : Rahel Getu (Tilobign) ራሄል ጌቱ (ጥሎብኝ) - New Ethiopian Music 2019(Official Video)
Werku Molla - Aybekam Wey | አይበቃም ወይ - New Ethiopian Music 2019 (Official Video)
TEDDY AFRO | New dvd HD - Aste Tewodros II
Abush Zeleke - Jaljilo ጃልጂሎ NEW! Ethiopian Music Video 2017
Abush Zeleke - Bayneges Minew(ባይነገስ ምንነው) - Ethiopian Music 2018(Official Video)
Yared Negu - Weye | ወዬ - New Ethiopian Music 2019 (Official Video)
Ephrem Amare - Atiyo (Official Video) | Ethiopian Tigrigna Music
Aster Aweke - Nafkot
New Hot Music - Sintayehu Tilahun aka "Hibongo" - Dereben
Aster Aweke Track 11 - Lib weled አስቴር አወቀ ልብ ወለድ Chewa Album 2019
Ethiopian Music : Maditu Weday (Shumeye) ማዲቱ ወዳይ (ሹምየ) - New Ethiopian Music 2019(Official Video)
Abebaw Kesete - Lewoy Lewoye | ለወይ ለወዬ - New Ethiopian Music 2019 (Official Video)
Maritu Tamalew - Hageren Atinku | ሃገሬን አትንኩ - New Ethiopian Music 2018 (Official Video)
Gossaye Tesfaye - Ke Ehud Eske Ehud - ከእሁድ አስከ እሁድ - New Ethiopian Music 2019 (Official Video)
Azmeraw Mulusew (Alkebelim) አዝመራው ሙሉሰው (አልቀበልም) - New Ethiopian Music 2019(Official Video)
Meseret Belete - Erikum Zemeda | እሪኩም ዘመዳ - New Ethiopian Music (Official Video)
Tsegaye Eshetu ft. Sileshi Demissie - Min Honenal | ምን ሆነናል? - New Ethiopian Music 2019
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Ethiopian Music : Zebiba Girma (Gerager) ዘቢባ ግርማ (ገራገር) - New Ethiopian Music 2019(Official Video)
Ethiopian Music : Rahel Getu (Tilobign) ራሄል ጌቱ (ጥሎብኝ) - New Ethiopian Music 2019(Official Video)
Werku Molla - Aybekam Wey | አይበቃም ወይ - New Ethiopian Music 2019 (Official Video)
TEDDY AFRO | New dvd HD - Aste Tewodros II
Abush Zeleke - Jaljilo ጃልጂሎ NEW! Ethiopian Music Video 2017
Abush Zeleke - Bayneges Minew(ባይነገስ ምንነው) - Ethiopian Music 2018(Official Video)
Yared Negu - Weye | ወዬ - New Ethiopian Music 2019 (Official Video)
Ephrem Amare - Atiyo (Official Video) | Ethiopian Tigrigna Music
Aster Aweke  -  Nafkot
New Hot Music - Sintayehu Tilahun aka "Hibongo" - Dereben
Aster Aweke Track 11 - Lib weled አስቴር አወቀ ልብ ወለድ Chewa Album 2019
Ethiopian Music : Maditu Weday (Shumeye) ማዲቱ ወዳይ (ሹምየ) - New Ethiopian Music 2019(Official Video)
Abebaw Kesete - Lewoy Lewoye | ለወይ ለወዬ - New Ethiopian Music 2019 (Official Video)
Maritu Tamalew - Hageren Atinku | ሃገሬን አትንኩ - New Ethiopian Music 2018 (Official Video)
Gossaye Tesfaye - Ke Ehud Eske Ehud - ከእሁድ አስከ እሁድ - New Ethiopian Music 2019 (Official Video)
Azmeraw Mulusew (Alkebelim) አዝመራው ሙሉሰው (አልቀበልም) - New Ethiopian Music 2019(Official Video)
Meseret Belete - Erikum Zemeda | እሪኩም ዘመዳ - New Ethiopian Music (Official Video)
Tsegaye Eshetu ft. Sileshi Demissie - Min Honenal | ምን ሆነናል? - New Ethiopian Music 2019
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ራያ የማን ነው? ክፍል አንድ
ራያ የማን ነው? ክፍል ሁለት
Ethiopia: Raya - Special Program
“ለአገርና ለሕዝብ ጥቅም ሲባል የቀድሞው ጠ/ሚ ኃይለማርያም ደሳለኝ ከዕርቀ ሰላም ኮሚሽኑ ቢገለሉ መልካም ነው።” - አክሊሉ ወንድአፈረው

Don’t miss this Timely and historical speech of this an Ethiopian hero. This is teaching and informative. Let spread out this facts to the world.

በወቅታዊ ጉዳዮች ላይ የተላለፈ መልዕክት እና አገራዊ ጥሪ!

Watch my 20 minute interview below, where I discuss the conflict between Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan, the filling of the GERD, and U.S. policy towards Ethiopia.

Don’t miss this Timely and historical speech of this Ethiopian hero. This is a teaching and informative. Let spread out this facts to the world.

The untold crimes of Dr. Tedros Adhanom: By John Martin


አንጋፋው ታጋይ አቶ መስፍን መድህኔ በወቅታዊ የሀገራችን ሁኔታ ላይ ከራድዮ ዲሞክራሲያ ጋር ያደረጉት ቃለ መጠይቅ፥፥

The author of Genocide in Kenya and other Kenyan analysts discussing about the current political situation of Ethiopia and its impact particularly on Ethiopia and generally in Africa

“ፍጹም ነው እምነቴ” book review

“ፍጹም ነው እምነቴ” book review
By LJDemissie

“Although, I wish I didn’t need to write this critical analysis, I reacted and wrote it in honor of the Higher-15’s detention camp detainees, my high school friends, tutors, teachers and my family.” LJDemissie

“ፍጹም ነው እምነቴ” book review