Rwandan musician Kizito Mihigo, pictured speaking to the media after being arrested in April 2014 on charges of threatening state security (AFP Photo/STEPHANIE AGLIETTI) Rwandan musician Kizito Mihigo, pictured speaking to the media after being arrested in April 2014 on charges of threatening state security Mihigo, pictured on his release from Kigali’s Nyarugenge prison in Read more
ጀነራል ጃገማ ኬሎን ታዉቋቸው እንደሆነ አላውቅም፤ ግን ጄነራሉ ገና በዐሥራ አምስት ዕድሜያቸው አካባቢ፣ ኢጣልያን ሀገራችንን ከወረረ በኋላ፣ ሽማግሌና ሕፃን ሳይለይ ሲገድል፣ ያገሩን ሀብት ሲዘርፍ፣ ሚስት ሲደፍር፣ ያልተከለውን ዛፍ ለገበያው ሲቈርጥ፣ ያላሳደገውን ፈረስ ቀምቶ ሲጋልብ፣ ያላቀናዉን መሬት ከሕዝብ ዘርፎ ከባሕርማዶ ላመጣው ወገኑ ሲሰጥ፣ ቤቶችንና ቅዱሳት ስፍራዎችን ሲያቃጥልና ሲያረኵስ አይተው፣ ወንድሞቻቸውንና እኅቶቻቸውን አስከትለው፣ ሊዋጉ ጫካ የገቡና፣ ኋላም Read more
Bekere, 31, took a minute off her PR to win, in her first attempt at a World Marathon Majors race, though she has a strong sequence of wins or podium places going back to 2011 in races like Rome, Rotterdam, Toronto Waterfront, and Valencia. The victory secured her 40,000 Euros (about $43,000). “I was Read more