After using the people of Tigray as a political shield to pose an existential threat to the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia for nearly 30 years, the TPLF will soon be served a final notice: surrender or go six feet under!
reviously in power for almost three decades, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) of Ethiopia finally is approaching their end days
and as we say here in the Horn of Africa, “they are digging their own grave”.
The TPLF has been Africa’s, if not the world’s, most corrupt, brutal, genocidal regime for the last 30 years. Removed from national power in Ethiopia during the peaceful revolution of 2018, the peace deal the USA brokered left them holding out in their home province of Tigray, one of Ethiopia’s smallest minorities.
Providing refuge to wanted criminals and then sending their paid agents to commit murder and ethnic mayhem across Ethiopia these past two years, the TPLF has done its best to bring havoc to the country, in other words, “digging their own grave”.
The hatred felt throughout Ethiopia if the opinions being voiced in a half a dozen language via satellite television is anything to guide us by, putting these gangsters in their grave once and for all is long overdue. The Ethiopian Parliament voted unanimously to authorize doing so with all the many ethnic-based factions united in this.