
Another dimension of Abiy Ahemed’s ploy in Bahir Dar

Dr. Mengistu MusieMengistu Musie (PhD)
April 9, 2024

Ethiopia, a country known for its diverse cultural and religious heritage and a history characterized by tenacity in the face of challenges, is experiencing a tumultuous moment marked by internal conflict and violence. Under the leadership of Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia has witnessed instability marred with violence. The tragic events in Bahir Dar on April 8, 2024, where a dozen innocent Muslims fell victim to ruthless killings. This incident serves as a grim reminder of the atrocities perpetrated by Abiy Ahmed’s regime.

At the heart of Ethiopia’s turmoil lies a web of interconnected factors, each exacerbating the other and fueling the cycle of violence. Central to this unraveling situation is the authoritarian grip maintained by Abiy Ahmed, who has resorted to increasingly repressive tactics to consolidate power and suppress dissent. The murder of innocent civilians, such as those in Bahir Dar, serves as a chilling manifestation of the lengths to which the regime is willing to go to maintain control.

The incident in Bahir Dar, where innocent Muslims were targeted and ruthlessly killed, underscores the depths of brutality that have become all too common under Abiy Ahmed’s rule. The targeting of innocent Muslims and the alleged involvement of individuals affiliated with the

government’s forces raise serious concerns about the direction the country is heading under Abiy Ahmed’s rule. The exploitation of ethnic and religious divisions for political gain, as suggested by the manipulation of the situation to incite clashes between Orthodox and Muslim communities, is particularly alarming. It is not only threatening to exacerbate existing tensions but also undermines the fabric of Ethiopian society, which has long prided itself on its diversity and coexistence.

Abiy Ahemed’ soldiers are trying to confuse the mixed community in Bahir Dar by targeting specific ethnic or religious groups to instigate violence. The killing of Muslims underscores the extent to which Abiy Ahmed’s administration is willing to sow discord among communities that have historically coexisted peacefully. Since assuming power, Abiy has embraced a form of ethnonationalism that exacerbates tensions between communities.

By aggravating identity-based conflicts, the regime is capitalizing on the divisions to consolidate political power. Abiy’s government has widened the faulty lines that jeopardize Ethiopia’s unity. In addition to the internal factors driving Ethiopia’s dissident into chaos, external influences also worsen the crisis. Regional dynamics, including tensions with neighboring countries and the involvement of foreign actors, have added another layer of complexity to the situation. Ethiopia’s strategic importance in the Horn of Africa has made it a battleground for competing interests, further fueling instability and violence.

Furthermore, the failure of the international community to effectively address the crisis in Ethiopia has emboldened Abiy Ahmed’s regime and enabled its repressive tactics. Despite widespread condemnation of human rights abuses and calls for accountability, meaningful action has been lacking, allowing the government to act with impunity. This lack of meaningful intervention has only served to prolong the suffering of the Ethiopian people and deepen the crisis engulfing the country.

Amidst the chaos and bloodshed, there exists a glimmer hope for Amara people’s future. The resilience and determination of the Amara people, who have a long history of standing up against oppression and injustice, offer a beacon of hope in these dark times. Despite their challenges, thanks to the FANO resistance against the brutal rule of Abiy Ahmed and the ordinary Amhara people for defending their rights.

However, realizing this vision will require concerted efforts from domestic and international actors. The Amara people who are the target of Abiy Ahemed’s ploy and his ethnocentric fascist friends in the country should unanimously stand together with Fano do everything possible to defend their region and livelihood. This includes addressing issues of inequality, marginalization, and discrimination and fostering a more inclusive political process that respects the rights of all Ethiopians.

The ongoing crisis in Ethiopia demands urgent international attention and coordinated action. Despite international institutions mandate to prevent genocide and protect civilians, there’s a lamentable pattern of inaction towards the atrocities committed by the Abiy Ahmed government. Ethiopians remember the historical betrayals, such as the League of Nations’ failure to address the 1935 Italian invasion and the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. Despite urgent parallels, international bodies seem indifferent to African crises, particularly in Ethiopia. It’s a stark reminder of institutional shortcomings and the need for genuine commitment to humanitarian principles, urging swift intervention to avert further suffering and bloodshed.

The crisis unfolding in Ethiopia, particularly against the Amhara people, underscores the urgent need for decisive international action. Targeted sanctions on individuals perpetrating human rights abuses are crucial, sending a clear message that such atrocities will not go unpunished.

Diplomatic pressure must be exerted to facilitate meaningful political reforms and ensure accountability for those responsible. The Amhara people have been subjected to targeted hate and genocide, yet justice remains elusive within their own country. Regrettably, international institutions like the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the United Nations Human Rights Council have fallen short in fulfilling their duties to address the plight of the Amhara people. This failure underscores the urgent need for these institutions to prioritize their responsibilities and take concrete steps to address the atrocities committed.

Furthermore, increased humanitarian assistance is imperative to alleviate the suffering of those affected by the crisis, including internally displaced persons and refugees. The humanitarian situation in Ethiopia is dire, with countless individuals facing displacement, violence, and deprivation. It is incumbent upon the international community to provide robust support to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of these vulnerable populations. In addition to targeted sanctions and diplomatic pressure, efforts must be made to foster dialogue and reconciliation within Ethiopia. Sustainable peace and stability can only be achieved through inclusive political processes that address the grievances of all ethnic groups and promote national unity.

Ultimately, the crisis in Ethiopia affecting the Amara people demands a multifaceted international response. By imposing targeted sanctions, exerting diplomatic pressure, and increasing humanitarian assistance, the international community can play a crucial role in addressing the suffering of the Amhara people and promoting peace and stability in Ethiopia. Ethiopia’s deterioration under Abiy Ahmed’s leadership is a distressing and highly alarming progression that carries significant consequences for both the region and the wider world. The recent acts of extreme violence in Bahir Dar serve as a clear and striking reminder of the severe human toll caused by deliberate act of the Abi Ahamad’s government. These events demand immediate action to tackle the situation by exercising justice on the corrupt individuals within the government, including the Prime Minister himself. With the international community’s support, Ethiopia can successfully address its issues and establish a future characterized by peace and prosperity for all citizens.

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